A splendid evening was enjoyed by all at The Rising Sun, Beltinge on Saturday 16th March 2024 as the Crows made a debut appearance at this popular music venue near Herne Bay, Kent.
A good-sized audience enjoyed a 35-song set by the band including a second outing for the soon to be released single Walls Come Down. Surely, line dancers must be at the ready in the coming weeks ?
Songs were performed from the band's self-titled debut album in 2013, Behind The Rain album in 2020 and the Listen To Me EP from 2021.
And there was a request for Get A Vest On which was not originally included in the set list but was performed anyway. The Vest will always be in the locker for a rainy day...

Many thanks to family, friends and Rising Sun regulars for their support on the evening and we hope everybody had a great time. Also, many thanks to the team at the Rising Sun for their assistance and hospitality and we hope to return once again in the near future.
